That wasn't the worse part, IT'S THE REFEREE. He missed so many clear fouls and 2 handballs, and gave Abigal red card cause Anelka dive hahaha! I won't be bias, the red card really isn't necessary --'. He only have 10 CL matches and this is his first Semi-final for god's sake. Hais.
Nvm. Wish Man Utd go ahead and retain their title. Damn Barcelona, and the away goal rule too.

I go in class then Amresh straight ask,
" Got watch the match yesterday?" (his face a bit sadded )
"Eh, no, what's the score? " ( oh shit, his face like that )
"1-1, want come watch highlights?"
............................................................... sianned.
*Btw 1-1 is good for away teams, which in this case is Barcelona and in the 2nd leg, they just draw and can advance already. Sucks.
Maths i can figure out this part but not that part. Confusing.
Photoshop was fun! My best and fave sub so far. Webp not bad also.
Then gonna have to read up on Cos stuffs, seriously. Weekends reserved for studying liao.
Signed up for Frisbee, which seem the most fun among those ccas there. I get sweat, sun, tan, body. Not bad. And gonna sign up for the Eat food club hahaha!
Tmr's 9. Argh. Tired.
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